PUBLICATIONS (pubmed list)(ORCID)(Google Scholar)


Cowen MH, Haskell D, Zoga K, Reddy KC, Chalasani, SH, Hart MP (2024). Conserved autism-associated genes tune social feeding behavior in C. elegans. Nat commun., 15(1), 9301. (doi: PMID: 39468047.

Bastien BL, Haury WR, Smisko WR, Hart MP. (2024) nlr-1/CNTNAP regulates dopamine circuit structure and foraging behaviors in C. elegans. Commun Biol. 2024 Oct 2;7(1):1248. (doi: PMID: 39358459.

Muirhead CS, Reddy KC, Guerra S, Rieger M, Hart MP, Srinivasan J, Chalasani SH. (2024) Neurexin drives Caenorhabditis elegans avoidance behavior independently of its post-synaptic binding partner neuroligin. G3. 2024 Aug 7;14(8):jkae111. (doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae111) PMID: 38781440

Cowen MH, Raizen DM, Hart MP. (2024) Structural neuroplasticity after sleep loss modifies behavior and requires neurexin and neuroligin. iScience 2024 Mar 11;27(4):109477. (doi: PMID: 38551003

Bastien BL, Cowen MH, Hart MP (2023). Distinct neurexin isoforms cooperate to initiate and maintain foraging activity. Transl Psychiatry. 2023 Nov 30;13(1):367. (doi: PMID: 38036526

Govek KW, Nicodemus P, Lin Y, Crawford J, Saturnino AB, Cui H, Zoga K, Hart MP, Camara PG. (2023) CAJAL enables analysis and integration of single-cell morphological data using metric geometry. Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 21;14(1):3672 (10.1038/s41467-023-39424-2) PMID: 37339989

Hart MP. (2019) Stress-induced neuron remodeling reveals differential interplay between neurexin and environmental factors in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics, 213(4):1415-1430 (10.1534/genetics.119.302415). PMID# 31558583


Hart MP & Hobert O. (2020) A missense mutation separates distinct functions of the Zic-family transcription factor REF-2. microPublication Biology. March (10.17912/micropub.biology.000232).

Hart MP & Hobert O (2018) Neurexin controls plasticity of a mature, sexually dimorphic neuron. Nature. 553(7686): 165-170. PMID# 29323291

Kerk SY, Kratsios PS, Hart M, Mourao R, Hobert O. (2016) Diversification of C. elegans Motor Neuron Identity via Selective Effector Gene Repression. Neuron. Jan 4;93(1):80-98. PMID# 28056346

Hart MP and Gitler AD (2012) ALS-associated ataxin 2 polyQ expansions enhance stress-induced caspase 3 activation and increase TDP-43 pathological modifications. J Neurosci. Jul 4;32(27):9133-42. PMID# 22764223

Hart, MP, Brettschneider J, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Gitler AD (2012) Distinct TDP-43 pathology in ALS patients with ataxin 2 intermediate-length polyQ expansions. Acta Neuropathol, 124 (2):221-230. PMID# 22526021

Couthouis J*, Hart MP*, Erion R, King OD, Diaz Z, Nakaya T, Ibrahim F, Kim H-J, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Panossian S, Kim CE, Frackelton EC, Solski JA, Williams KL, Clay-Falcone D, Elman L, McCluskey L, Greene R, Hakonarson H, Kalb RG, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, Bonini NM, Van Deerlin VM, Mourelatos Z, Shorter J, Gitler AD (2012) Evaluating the role of the FUS/TLS-related gene EWSR1 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Hum Mol Genet. Jul 1;21(13):2899-911. PMID# 22454397 *these authors contributed equally.

Couthouis J*, Hart MP*, Shorter J*, DeJesus-Hernandez M, Erion R, Oristano RE, Liu XA, Ramos D, Jethava N, Hosangadi D, Epstein J, Chiang A, Diaz Z, Nakaya T, Ibrahim F, Kim H-J, Solski JA, Williams KL, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Ingre C, Boylan K, Graff-Radford N, Dickson D, Clay-Falcone D, Elman L, McCluskey L, Greene R, Kalb RG, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Ludolph AC, Robberecht W, Andersen PM, Nicholson GA, Blair IP, King OD, Bonini NM, Van Deerlin VM, Rademakers R, Mourelatos Z, Gitler AD (2011) A yeast functional screen predicts new candidate ALS disease genes. PNAS 108 (52) 20881-20890. PMID# 22065782 *these authors contributed equally.

Elden AC*, Kim HJ*, Hart MP*, Chen-Plotkin AS*, Johnson BS, Fang X, Armakola M, Geser F, Greene R, Lu M, Padmanabhan A, Clay D, McCluskey L, Elman L, Juhr D, Gruber PJ, Rub U, Auburger G, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM, Van Deerlin VM, Bonini NM, Gitler AD (2010). Ataxin-2 intermediate-length polyglutamine expansions are associated with increased risk for ALS. Nature 466:1069-1075. *these authors contributed equally. PMID# 20740007


Doldur-Balli F, Imamura T, Veatch OJ, Gong NN, Lim DC, Hart MP, Abel T, Kayser MS, Brodkin ES, Pack AI. (2022) Synaptic dysfunction connects autism spectrum disorder and sleep disturbances: A perspective from studies in model organisms. Sleep Med Rev.;62:101595 (10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101595). PMID: 35158305.

Hart MP, Hobert O. (2015) Sexual Dimorphism: Mystery Neurons Control Sex- Specific Behavioral Plasticity. Curr Biol. Dec 21;25(24):R1170-2. PMID: 26702652

Armakola M*, Hart MP*, Gitler AD (2010) TDP-43 Toxicity in Yeast. Methods 53(3):238-45. *these authors contributed equally. PMID# 21115123